4 Simple Plant Care Tips : How to take care of plants

This is especially important for small trees and bushes. Plants that need 'partial sunlight' should be placed somewhere that gets 2-3 hours of direct light per day. "The tips given for the care to be taken for houseplants are great. Definitely helps, every one." A general rule of thumb is to put plants in a sunny windowsill-but that is not the case for all plants. Most plants come with a plastic ticket stuck into the soil that will tell you how much light it needs. Whenever you buy a plant, keep its tag so you can reference it later.

It has neither been the kind of topic you could not get enough of, nor is it half as juicy as celebrity gossip. You can also go for a cheaper alternative to the humidifier. The evaporating water will cause humidity in the room. Do not move your plant to entirely different temperature zone . WikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 85% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status.

ZZ Plant (Zamioculas zamiifolia)

When discussing 12-month full-bloom flowers in India, the South Indian elegance recognised as Crossandra must be mentioned. Because they grow in bright colours like red and yellow, these fierce-looking flowers are also known as firecracker flowers. Water the plant when the soil becomes lighter or appears cracked. Its clustered flowers, which come in a variety of colours, can blossom for numerous weeks. With proper care, you can appreciate its bright, pretty flowers for many years.

how to take care of plants at home in hindi

Plants that are put too close together will not grow as large, since there are not enough nutrients to be shared between them. Simply dig up the offending plants, and relocate them to a new garden plot or pot that has more room. Plants, both indoors and out, are lovely additions to any décor. They are generally easy to take care of and maintain, and will thrive when given proper care and treatment. Overhydration is indicated by discoloured leaves, a lack of leaf growth, leaf loss, and soft rotten patches.

अस्पिडिसट्रा – Aspidistra indoor plant

Some ficus species grow into huge trees over time and others are creeping vines. Wilting, browned leaves, and flower buds that develop poorly are signs that your plant is suffering from low humidity. You can also fill a spray bottle with distilled water, and mist the plants to give them extra moisture. The amount of drainage in the pot you're keeping your plant in is very important because over or under watering your plant can damage or kill it. Make sure that there are drainage holes at the bottom of your pot.

Aloe Vera offers a lush green “leaves” that provide some health benefits; think Aloe Vera gel. The key to keeping it alive inside your cubicle is providing it with the sunlight it requires. With how easy Pothos is to care for, it’s easy to see why it’s the most popular office plant.

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If it feels dry then it’s likely you need to water it. In some cases, less or underwatering the plant also ruins it. Plants with lush, thick leaves require more water than those with waxy or leathery leaves.

how to take care of plants at home in hindi

Dry air may serve certain plants well, like cacti, but most plants require humidity, especially tropic plants. If your soil is either too dry or overwatered, it can damage the plant’s roots and prevent the plant from growing. In some cases under or over watering your plant can also kill it.

As a succulent, Jade, as an office plant is not only resilient, it is easy to grow. When properly taken care of, the plant will live a long time. Jade looks like a small tree as it features a woody stem with oval leaves.

While they thrive in dry conditions and warm temperatures, Jade is not drought tolerant. Soil for a Jade plant needs to be kept moist through spring and summer and drier in the fall and winter. You can even use the Gerber Daisy as hanging flowers for the office. Put it in a pot with a hanger and decorate the area with this popular flower. Before picking out the plants, consider how much care they require. If you work in a place that doesn’t allow much time to care for plants, opt for low-maintenance plants.

इंडोर पौधों की छटाई कैसे करें – How To Prune Indoor Plants In Hindi

All views and/or recommendations are those of the concerned author personally and made purely for information purposes. The smaller size allows the plant to fit in several different locations, including windows, desks, and tables. If the nation's elements are shifting its focus, how can real estate be any different?

how to take care of plants at home in hindi

A big-sized plant in a small container can never grow well. The roots of the plants will get pot-bound and the soil will dry too quickly. When the roots start coming out of the drainage holes and the plant starts overgrowing the pot, it’s time to find a new home for it. Different plants require different conditions to grow and thrive. Whenever you notice plants that are browning, dry, brittle, or otherwise sickly looking, use a pair of gardening shears to cut off the branches from the base. Throw these branches away rather than leaving them in your garden as compost, because if they do contain a plant disease, it can still spread to nearby plants.


The youngsters are bidding big on investment options, and brackets such as realty have proved to be highly dependable compared to others. If you're not using any types of nutrient supplements, then I suggest that you use organic brands which are more beneficial for overall plant health without poisoning them. Use only distilled or purified water for very sensitive plants. Use hydroponics as an alternative method because they require less maintenance than others. Under watering happens when you leave too little water at the roots for a long period of time.

how to take care of plants at home in hindi

Bromeliads die after flowering but will produce little plantlets, called pups, that can be separated from the mother plant and potted up or left on. Medium-light requirements do well in east or west-facing windows, so they are exposed to indirect or partial sunlight during the day. Low light office plants are the best choice as they work in places with north facing windows and a lot of fluorescent lights. The ZZ Plant is an excellent choice for homes and offices thanks to its ability to handle low lighting conditions and an infrequent watering schedule. The ZZ Plant is also quite stunning to look at with its shiny green foliage.

Grow Your Own Food

In case you wish to move the plant, slowly try to adapt it to a new place by taking it there for an hour a day in the beginning. If you see mould formations on the surface of the soil or the water is standing at the bottom of the container that means the plant has been overwatered. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 294,672 times. This article was co-authored by Andrew Carberry, MPH. Andrew Carberry has been working in food systems since 2008.

how to take care of plants at home in hindi


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